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Shofar - large & extra large

Shofar - large & extra large


A very well polished kudu shofar made according to Yemenite traditions. The length is from 85cm to 90cm (measurement over the length). Makes several sounds producing an enriching sound *. Perfect for opening your prayer or worship meeting and for sending out the hosts. Also for use on Shabbat or Rosh HaShanah, announcing the end of Yom Kippur, etc.


* Beginners: 1-2 sounds

* Advanced: 4-7 sounds

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Shofars For The Nations 

Located: Beilervaart 29

9411 VA Beilen The Netherlands

K.v.K 24352432 

NL85 INGB 0008 8525 53

Tel: +3123-2052279

©2019 by Yuri van Bemmel

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